Ancient and Modern Sports


In the midst of constant competition, there is a certain aesthetic element to sport. While this element still exists in many sports, the emphasis on quantitative achievements has shifted in recent decades. One of the most obvious differences between Renaissance and modern sports is the use of the word measure, which originally connoted an aesthetic sense of proportion and balance. Today, it refers to objective measurements, such as distance, height, or time. The term sports has also evolved to encompass many different types of physical exercise.

Aside from helping us develop our physical fitness, playing sports teaches us about the importance of a positive attitude, a killer instinct, and a never-give-up attitude. It also develops our sense of teamwork and communication skills. Finally, it teaches us about the importance of not allowing fear to dominate our minds and bodies. These attributes contribute to our overall mental health and happiness. However, this aspect of sports does require time and energy.

As far as ancient cultures go, ball games were popular and widely used. Chinese and Aztec civilizations played ball games, but they were not contests, but rather noncompetitive ritual performances. The term sport was used to describe such activities, such as the game of baseball and soccer. The Greek and Roman antiquity also referred to ball games as sport, and Galen, a famous physician, even recommended them for health. The ancient Chinese, Greeks, and Romans played ball games, so it is easy to see the connection between ball games and sport.