The Benefits of Sports


While it is a wonderful form of physical exercise, participation in sports also has numerous benefits to the mental health of the individual. Not only do kids gain valuable life lessons through sports, but they also learn how to interact with other people and work as a team. Sports also improve the student’s sense of self-worth, which will determine later happiness and success. The benefits of sports can’t be overstated! So what can be the benefits of participation in sports?

While the definition of sports differs depending on the culture, there are certain principles that are universally shared. For instance, “Sports are not about winning; they’re about enjoying the activity” is a principle echoed by Pierre de Coubertin and Grantland Rice. Other important principles of sport include equal opportunity for all participants and a lack of predetermined results. In addition, all forms of physical exercise, including recreational sports, are regarded as sports by the Council of Europe.

Aesthetics In sports, the aesthetic element of the game survives, but the emphasis on quantitative achievement is increasingly prevalent. One interesting transition between Renaissance and modern sports can be observed in the word “measure.” Previously, measure connoted a sense of balance and proportion; it came to mean numerical measurements. In the late seventeenth century, boxing and mixed martial arts began assigning victory to the winner, while the concept of the sports record was developed.